Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Darkest Child

A while back, I joined the From the Stacks Reading Challenge since the pile of books I haven't read in my house is starting to outgrow the pile of books that I have read. It seems that we are supposed to try to post reviews of the books after we read them, so here goes...

I've never written a book review before, so don't expect this to be any good!

I started the challenge with The Darkest Child, by Delores Phillips. This was a book that I just picked up at the NEMBF, which is may favorite book store in the area. Yes, I judged it by it's cover, as I always do. Don't pretend like you don't. It's been sitting on my bedside table for months, when it really should have been devoured long ago.

The book is a naked look at a struggling black family in a small Georgia town in the 1960's. Narrated by one of the daughters of the family, Tangy Mae, the book continues to horrify and keep you frantically hopeful consistently throughout the book. The hope keeps you reading, obsessively reading...even at stop lights. You have to know if she will she will escape.

I can't stand reading book reviews that tell all, so you're not going to get many more details out of me. I will say that it's ironic that one of the praises on the back of the book attributes the book with "clearly identifiable villains and victims" which I almost completely disagree with and the disagreement is part of why I liked this book so much. I felt that Phillips very skillfully shows the dichotomy that exists within all the main characters, the capacity to be both villainous and victimized at the same time, the capacity in all of us to be both good and evil. There are a few exceptions, the "law" of the town being a clear villain, Martha Jean, the deaf sister being a clear victim, but otherwise the two states oscillate back and forth.

If I was quoted on the back of the book, my praise would by more likely to read, "Constructs a nebulous line between victim and villain which causes a flurry of thoughts and emotions about the connection between both states." And it would be definite praise because that reflection of reality seems to be difficult to capture, even for accomplished writers. Read it. You won't be sorry.

Monday, November 27, 2006

And now what?

Ok, ok, I know I'm not usually a two-a-day poster, but I have something to ask you all.

I found out this weekend that my brother has a blog. He told my mom, probably knowing full well that she would never be able to find it even if he sent her a direct link. The news then passed through my sister to me, who knows I read blogs, but doesn't know I have one. I thought she might suspect until she had her "Why would anyone blog? It's the stupidest thing ever" rant this weekend.

So, of course, I decided to seek out my brother's blog, curious about what it might say as my brother's life is generally a mystery to me since we only talk a handful of times throughout any given year.

So, what do I do with it now? He's a month old blogger which is basically my code for telling you that his blog didn't thrill me, but then my expectations of him tend to be REALLY high. He's good at everything. (I know, like I should really talk....if he traced me here, he'd probably send me a stream of emails saying "Enough with the fucking knitting pictures already!) And it was just weird. It was like finding his really boring diary. Which is odd because I thought he'd have sort of a scathing political blog and I could get behind that. But, well....

So, do I tell him I "found" his blog? Possibly opening to him knowing that I have a blog? Or do I just pretend like I don't know and risk knowing far more than he's told me the next time we talk? How do you guys deal with the family and blogging? Thus far, I have not told anyone in the family because, well, sometimes I want to rant about them. Usually I don't, but I like to leave myself the opportunity. And there are details here about certain things that I don't necessarily want to share with them. It was definitely one of those stupid know you'll do it, but when you do, then what? Like checking a boyfriend's outgoing calls or something. (Not that I've ever done that....hahahahaha!) Yuh know?

(And yes, I do know that I'm having a good day when this is the biggest drama I've got going on.)


There. That one is done.

Holidays make me REALLY tired. And I had a screaming fight with N last night, in my dreams, so waking up this morning was a little challenging.

It is now time to begin Christmas delusions. I wrote up my still-need-to-finish knitting list yesterday, and while I think I have a pretty good grasp on things, this is the time for it to all fall apart, what with extra holiday events here and there to completely throw me off. Not to mention I've got a growing pile of things I want to knit that are not Christmas related. If this pile falls on me, and you find me secretly knitting a shawl, or scarf, or socks for myself, well...there will be no hope. Just cover me back up and head home.

The J squad (my sister and her family) were out visiting. It was fun and generally relaxing. After my sister and I had made up our standard menu that I was utterly unenthusiastic about, I convinced her that we should go tapas style. And it was the best dinner we've made yet. And so, to answer the question asked to us by all who get the chance, this is what some vegetarians ate for Thanksgiving dinner:

Cheese Fondue with apples, pears and grapes (and anything else that warranted cheesing)
Fried Chipolini Onions (ala Mario Batali)
Roasted Asparagus
Sauteed Portobello Mushrooms
Black Berry and Raspberry Salad
Spicey Tomatoes with Goat Cheese
Falafel (Sort of....also ala Mario Batali, but they were not traditional falafel that you think of)
Spinach strudel
Spicey potatoes with garlic mayonnaise
Deviled eggs
Roasted sweet potatoes
Cucumber, Avocado, and Tomato salad
Roasted chestnuts
Hearty 7-grain bread

We were full. Needless to say, but its true. Though it looks insane, it was really quite easy and fun to prepare and took about 3-4 hours, total.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Finished Object Friday, the Wrong Day Edition

I will not be back in blogging territory until Monday, so here's an early finished object for you:

I'm sorry about the slightly retarded picture, but it was still drying when I took the picture yesterday morning. I'll definitely get a better picture later or when it's gifted.

That's the last pattern in Amazing Crochet Lace, made from chenille that I bought at Webs a million years ago. It is for my mom and I'm pretty sure that she will love love love it. I sort of detested crocheting with the chenille, but the shawl itself went incredibly fast, like two days fast. I think I'll probably make another one for myself after the holidays out of a silk/wool blend maybe. I may also do another repeat of the pattern because I think I would like it a bit bigger.

The book is ok. This pattern and the one shown on the cover are the only ones that really appeal to me. I have no idea why people don't give up on the "hip" crochet wearables. Crocheted lace or blankets are beautiful, but I see no need to make a crocheted sweater that looks like a knit sweater that crawled up an antelope's butt and died. There's just no need for that.

Yesterday, I spent the day here:

Can you guess? It's the Mayflower. I was stupid enough nice enough to chaperone Little A's class on a field trip to the Mayflower and to Plimouth Plantation:

And that, my friends, is basically the extent of the pictures because of the Bratty McBratterson who kept running away from our stupid little group. I actually thought I had lost him a couple of times. Yup, Happy Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Bratterson, I lost your son.

Needless to say, it was a very loud, taxing day. And not just for me. When Little A and I got home, we had a snack and then decided to cuddle in bed for a while, and we both fell dead asleep for an hour and a half. (Little A, even a little longer.) While that may not seem like the most shocking news ever, let me put it in perspective for you...Little A has not slept in the middle of the day, even the few times she's been sick, since she was THREE. She woke up and said, "Your bed sure is comfy Mom!"

So there, I am thankful for my comfy bed.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Finished Object Twins and a lunchy catch up

I have a feeling that I'm going to be playing catch up all week. I cannot even list the ridiculous amount of stuff that I need to accomplish before Wednesday around 2, when the visitors arrive and all order goes out the window.

The finished object of the day is based on a series of mistakes made by my last Thursday night. The first mistake was that I went to a yarn store in a weakened state. The second was that I took Little A. The third was that I took Little A's best buddy. The fourth was that I said the words to two totally disinterested girls "Ooooo, feel this! It's so soft!" The fifth being that I said "Sure, pick out a color" to Little A when she requested a scarf out of the yarn. The sixth being that I said, "Okay, yeah, go pick out a color" when Little A's best buddy said, "Me too, will you make me one too!?"
The yarn is Poof by Crystal Palace yarns and is says it is 100% supersoft nylon. It truly is supersoft something! The pink one is for Little A and the blue is for buddy.

Here is a little parade of lunches and such from the past few days:

Breakfast for me: hard-boiled egg, Focaccia, and apple, asian pear and banana salad.

Lunch for Little A: Tofu/Carrot Skewers, Focaccia and Tomato Sauce for dipping, a mini-banana and a Now n Later

Lunch ala Breakfast for Little A (though I have one just like it today): Silver Dollar pancakes, Boca sausages, grapes, clementine, syrup.

And that's it for me until Wednesday. My professor moved up the deadline for everything is my A&P class which makes everything due this Saturday. Not good. Send me energy and maybe a little focus and brilliance if you can spare any!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Finished Object Friday: Postponed

I do have one today, sort of. I forgot my darning needle to weave in the rest of the ends, so it looks a little stupid. I think it should wait. But as an added bonus, I plan to have a finished object on Monday and Wednesday next week. I won't be in work on Friday, and that pretty much kills my blogging, so this Friday is Monday and next Friday is Wednesday. Got that?

If you haven't already, stop on over and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Chris today! She rocks...and she gives away things for her own birthday. How can yuh not love her?

Yesterday I woke up to a 15 minute stomach flu. Dude. Not so bad time-wise, but it kicked my ass the way that hot-sweaty-need-to-throw-up-and-poop-at-the-same-time-and-you-can't-choose-because-its-nearly-impossible-to-keep-yourself-from-not-passing-out-on-the-bathroom-floor kind of ass-kicking. If I could've just taken a wee little nappy afterward, I think I would've been fine, but I had to haul me arse into work once I realized that I wouldn't pass out while driving. So, I was useless yesterday. Utterly useless.

Until I had some bong coffee with my friend M. Bong coffee is an exceptionally strong brew they make in their house made in a bong that looks a lot like this:

See. Coffee bong. Actually hers is not that brand and looks even more like a bong, but I'm not obsessive enough to keep looking for a picture.

After that, we decided it was time to finally weather Cambridge and check out Mind's Eye Yarns, which I've been meaning to do forEVER. I blame my weakened state for my weakened resolve. I was sick! Really! Yes, I bought things. Good things. Most of which you will either see very soon as finished objects, or you will not see for a very long time because they are for various swap partners. You shall love me, swap buddies, I promise!

I did not, however, plastic a spinning wheel. Yet. Though I REALLY wanted to, especially when the owner (crap...I forgot her name....I suck with names) called antique wheels (such as the one sitting in my living room) "a series of heartbreaks waiting to happen." Boy, there was a dose of optimism if I ever heard one. But I have a feeling if she actually saw my wheel, she would've left off the "waiting to happen." And so between that, and the brilliant shining Ashford Joy sitting about 2 feet from the doorway that I looked at for the majority of time I was there, you must realize that I REALLY did practice some restraint. I took her card, so that I could schedule a couple of lessons. I figured it might be wise to learn a little more before I drop more than $500 on a wheel. Genius, I know.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The return of the lunches

I finally got my camera act back together. Though Little A had no lunch today, I have a breakfast and a lunch for you.

Breakfast is a mini spinach/ricotta pie, a mini mushroom/ricotta pie, a corn muffin, grapes, a ginger candy, a clementine and cashews.

Lunch is veggie "beef" stew (the beef is ala Morningstar Farms), a little salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and scallions, a corn muffin and some spicy nuts from the indian grocer we visited this weekend. Oh and a caramel for dessert. Who could forget dessert?

I suppose I should've thrown some parsley or something on top of that stew to make it look more appealing, but I'm not really that good with details. And its so very yummy, I forgot until I just looked at the picture that it might not look at delicious to some people. Trust me!


In other news, the long awaited update about the Little A/Dad situation. I had originally posted about this way back here, and am still so grateful for all of your thoughtful comments. They really helped me in my whole thought process.

I've decided (yes, actively decided, though I know it may look like I'm just procrastinating) to let things be as they are right now. She's been a little less distant with him lately and though I still would prefer that he show her that he values her and their time together a little more, I really can't see it as a reason to cut off their time all together.

He sucks, but he's her dad, and he's certainly not the worst dad around. I feel like if I swooped in there to protect her feelings everytime he does something less than stellar, it really wouldn't serve her well in the end. She's going to have to learn to deal with idiocy and shitty behavior, so I'd rather have her know that I'm there for her, to talk, but that I can't fix all of her problems.

When I first moved out, I was adamant that he take an active role as a father and much to his dismay, I enforced a schedule which required him to see her. I really didn't want our issues to harm her as much as they often can. He's gone back and forth, being better and worse. The worse being reminiscent of the previous post about him and now a bit better. He recently had a break-up with a girlfriend, so it seems like his focus is turned slightly more toward Little A again.

Generally he is a self-pitying losah who thinks that his soul will be endlessly tortured because he has to WORK. And anything on top of that? Please. Don't even get me started. Somehow Little A ends up being in that category for him that is "on top of work"..."oh tragic sigh...oh how will I ever don't understand how busy I am"....

Sometimes I think she senses this lovely outlook of his (which is what precipitated this whole question on my part), but I think, as she grows, she'll begin to understand that that is just how he is, and she'll learn to deal with him, in her own way.

And that's really the big benefit to family, isn't it? Having to love people (or at least deal with people) that you really don't like? It's a good lesson and I wouldn't want to over-protect her out of that lesson.

She knows that I am always there for her and she can even call me whenever she wants when she is at his house, and she seems to be doing ok with that set up. And we do talk, a lot. Though I try to not shit-talk him, when she's having a problem with him, I also refuse to make excuses for him. Even though I think its a good idea for her to have to learn to deal with him, I will never let her think that it's okay for anyone to treat her less than the wonderful she deserves. Teaching her to be understanding is one thing, but teaching her that its ok for someone to treat her like she's unimportant because they are tired or busy or some other cop-out is never going to happen in our house.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Knitter's Coffee Swap questionnaire

I'm participating in the Knitter's Coffee Swap, so here is my questionnaire:

1. Whole bean or ground?

Ground. I have a grinder in a pinch, but I typically use it for spices, not beans. Just no weird powder or freeze dried substances.

2. Fully-loaded or decaf?

As loaded as possible, please. I'm a single mother afterall.

3. Regular or flavored?


4. How do you drink your coffee?

First I snort it up my nose, blow it back out, gargle it and swallow. Maybe I don't get this question? Oh, maybe we are talking cream or sugar here? Ok, well in regular coffee I like a little sugar and cream, not milk, cream. Espresso stays espresso in my house, which I love to have after (early enough) dinners.

5. Favorite coffee ever?

This is hard. I confess to being a lover of Starbucks. And when I really need a pick me up, I head for a Triple Grande Vanilla Latte. It makes me happy. Though I don't know if its my favorite, but its damn good.

6. Are you fussy about your coffee or will any old bean do?

Not any old, but it seems, after reading other questionnaires, that I'm less picky than a lot of the swappers. I like most of the top shelf grocery coffees, but can't really look down from there. Coffee from Italian grocers/shops are always welcome.

7. Favorite treats to have with your coffee?

Mmmm...biscotti! Which I also like to make when I have time...any good recipes? I often have dark dark chocolate with the aforementioned after dinner espresso. Morning coffee is just guzzled down with no accompaniments.

8. Anything else about your coffee preferences?

Nope, I like to try new coffees whenever I get a chance. I also like most other hot drinks.

9. Yarn/fiber you love?

Good sock yarn...Lorna's Laces, Socks that rock, Trekking, Noro, Anything that is soft and has subtle color graduations is likely to be completely loved by me.

10. Yarn/fiber you hate?

I'm not so hip on novelty yarns, though I suppose there are exceptions.

11. What's on your needles?

This is always a tricky one for me. Let's see. A blanket for Little A, a blanket for us, 3 pairs of socks, 1 pair of convertible mitts, a sweater for my sister, a bag for my mom, and ummm...I don't know what else. I have K.A.D.D. (Knitting Attention Deficit Disorder)

12. Favorite colors?

Deep...I guess they call them jewel colors on the hip blogs. Purples, Reds, Greens, Blues.

13. Allergies?

No food allergies. Though I'm a vegetarian. No mystery meat in a tube Slim-Jims! Ick.

14. Anything you really love, really don't like, or just need to get off your chest?

Um, I really like to knit. And I really like coffee. Heehee!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Finished Object Friday: Tada!

I almost don't want to say anything. Just stare into the log-cabiny goodness! (Please ignore the mess on the right! That's where I knit, so there's never any order in that area.)

This is for me my brother and his family (That means that I knocked THREE people off my Christmas knitting list in one finished object friday. Told you...kicking Christmas ASS!)

I love it. It's going to take everything that I've got to send it away to Indiana where he lives. I told Little A that we might go visit him this summer, so that we could visit the blanket, when she seemed more than a little disturbed that this blanket is not staying home with us.

The pattern is basically the log cabin pattern from MDK, but I didn't bind off or pick-up the stitches. I'd just string them onto yarn to wait until their turn came around again. The border is a crochet border that I had been thinking of throughout the entire blanket. I was worried that it wouldn't work out the way I wanted, but I love it! It's exactly what I was picturing and THAT rarely happens to me! I didn't measure it, but it is completely covering a queen size pull-out, though not draping. It's meant to be a throw, so I was glad it didn't hang over the edges. It's so big! The biggest thing I have ever knitted.

And what did I do when I finished with my let-it-go weeping? I cast on a blanket for Little A. She's been promised for a long time. So, it's her turn, though I don't think it will be QUITE this big. She lugs her blankets around, and this sucker is a little big for that!

P.S. To all you NaBloMoFo's - I'm finding it very hard to keep up with all the posting for this thing and so hence forth, you shall all be known as NaBloMoFo's because you're killing me. I love yuh, but please, you're killing me.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Catching up on Questions

I have a questionnaire to catch up on, so today may seem a little dull for you non-knitters, and frankly not that thrilling for you knitters either. But for my swap buddy? It's da bomb. (Right.)

I currently have no good batteries in my camera which makes me REALLY sad because, DAMN, did I pack some nummy lunches this week. Little A came to work with my on Tuesday and opted out of Taco Bell and Dunkin Donuts so that she could have BOTH a breakfast and lunch packed by ME! Now, that, I didn't expect. I know she likes them. But to opt out of even one of those places would have been amazing, but BOTH? I felt like a good mother for like 10 seconds....yuh know until I lost my patience with her sprawling hallway mess. (Can someone please explain this hallway thing to me? She's 8. I've have EIGHT years and I still don't get why she has to drag all of her things into the HALLWAY to play, even when her room is clean enough to play in there.)

Ok, I WAS talking about batteries. I have to get them tonight, because I've got a whopper of a finished object friday coming at you. Soon, you will know that I am kicking Christmas' ass this year. I know I should say that quieter before Christmas spins around and starts bashing me in the head with trees and other assorted blunt objects, but today, I tell you...I'm kicking ass.

Anyway, onto unfinished business.

The Knit Mitt Kit Swap questionnaire:

Are you allergic to any fibers?

No, not that I know of, but even slightly itchy wool makes me really itchy. I think that's more of a sensitivity rather than an allergy?

What are your favorite colors?

Deep, rich colors....reds, purples, blues, greens.

Are you a new mitt knitter?

I've knit a few pairs of mitts. Not a ton, but enough to know how quick and fun they are.

Do you prefer solid or multicolored yarn?

Usually multi-colored, but it depends on the project.

What fibers do you prefer in mitten yarn?

Wool or alpaca. I live north. Send warmth!

Where do you usually knit mittens?

Where? Uh. Everywhere that I would normally knit, which basically means everywhere.

How do you usually carry/store small projects?

I have approximately 6, 578 bags that I rotate through. I had a problem with bags.

What are your favorite mitten patterns?

I've been knitting a lot of convertible mitts this Christmas season and I like those a lot, but I think the pattern could use a little tweeking. I also like fingerless glove patterns.

What are your favorite mitten knitting techniques?

Hmmm....I'm thinking I haven't knit enough mitts to know different "techniques" since so far my favorite technique is: Get yarn, get needles, get acceptable pattern, sit, knit.

What new techniques would you like to try?

Yes, I like new techniques (Are you getting the feeling that I'm not awake enough for these questions?)

What are your favorite needles for knitting mittens?

DPN's...Probably around 3-5 in size. I don't like them too bulky.

What are some of your favorite yarns?

Favorite? That's like choosing my favorite child, which is actually a little easier since I only have ONE child. I like Mountain Colors, Lorna's Laces, Noro, Socks that Rock...yuh know the yarn that you're saying "Yeah, who doesn't love that?"

What yarn do you totally covet?

I'm gonna need some of that Koigu soon. Everytime I see it, my heart skips a beat.

Any pattern you would love to make if money and time were no object?

Oh good lord.

Favorite kind of needles (brand, materials, straights or circs, etc)?

I'm not too picky on the brand. I like pointy and metal the best, but prefer wood or bamboo for a few things. Straights, circs, dpns....bring 'em on.

If you were a specific kind of yarn, which brand and kind of yarn would you be?

Something that's all tangled inside, that's for sure. You'd spend hours trying to sort out my innards.

Do you have a favorite candy or mail-able snack?

I definitely appreciate good dark chocolate or salty snacks.

What’s your favorite animal?


Would you prefer super warm mittens or something more like fingerless mitts?

I really like both ends of the spectrum. Its really cold here in the winter so super warm ones would certainly come in handy, but then the office never heats well enough, so fingerless gloves are always useful as well.

If you were a color what color would you be?

This early in the morning? Gray. Dull lifeless gray. Otherwise maybe a deep green.

What is your most inspiring image, flower, or object in nature?

Blossoms. Spring blossoms always make me a little over emotional. I think towards the end of winter, part of me doesn't REALLYbelievee that life is coming back, so when it does.....

Do you have a wishlist?

Yes, on Amazon, under my name.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Night Thank You's

I've always wanted to give one of these speeches. One of those "Thank you friends and family, for making me way better than you" sort of speeches. But so far it hasn't been in the cards. I hear my Grammy for most lyrics confused or deleted is still in the works.

I do have a big thank you, today though. A BIG THANK YOU.

Thank you, dear New Hampshire, for finally getting with the program. Thank you to all the Massachusetts folks who moved north and educated the masses that New Hampshire is the middle of our lovely blue New England and not, in fact, an appendage of Utah. Your red slash across New England made me very sad, very hurt, many, many times. Because you could elect Dubya, not once, but TWICE, I thought you may be a lost cause. But today, I say thank you New Hampshire, for coming to terms with your inner blueness.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Finished Object Friday: The sleepy edition

I need to stop staying up late knitting. Shitty pictures seem to be the result. Oh, and no thought process for a normal post. More convertible gloves.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Let's do the time warp agaaaaain.

This fall back thing is not doing what it is supposed to be doing to me. I can't get to sleep until late, and so then I get up late. Aren't my post-traumatic-time change symptoms supposed to be the opposite?

I meant to post yesterday about how I love my neighborhood on Halloween. But totally forgot. And now I have a whole year to wait until my neighborhood becomes a neighborhood circa "Leave it to Beaver" for those few short hours on Halloween. Of course, in my version, June Cleaver is handing out Jello Shots to the adults as she pats the kids on the head and drops a packet of Smarties into their pail.

It always makes me sad to think that Little A will never feel that kind of security and safety in her own neighborhood. She'll never play "kick the can in the dark" until 9pm without a care in the world besides kicking that blasted can and freeing all the girls. She'll never play tag in the park until the street lights are the only thing lighting the area. And, at least in our current neighborhood, she'll never have an autumn fire, warming her to the bone and allowing the dark to close in on everything except the faces that it lights up as it warms.

I've had a lot good times in the comfort of the dark. Some scary ones too, but a lot more warm, fuzzy dark experiences. Being out in the dark, as a kid, is always spiced with a mild hint of excitement. You feel grown-up. You feel independent. You feel like your world exists totally within the 2 feet around you that you can vaguely see, and its comforting.

But dark can no longer provide that independent comfort. Little A will never roam the streets or yards of our neighborhood after dark until she's old enough to do it behind my back. Even in the best neighborhoods, there's too much to fear. And ours is not even one of those best neighborhoods.

I guess its why, though a part of me dreads it, I treasure Halloween, when my neighborhood transforms itself. The one night where everyone is outside and I can allow her to walk 10 yards ahead of me with her friend because every other parent in the school and neighborhood are watching as I am. Its the one night when she can feel that little bit of dark and I wish it was more often.


Because of that great sleep cycle I mentioned, I was pretty lame with the lunches this week, but I'm making up for it today. Little A's lunch:

Today, Little A has strawberries and kiwi, cheddar cheese, snap peas, pistacios, and curried veggie-bean fritters.

My breakfast (yes I work so early that I have to eat breakfast at work):

This is a pretty standard breakfast for me. Yogurt, strawberries, granola, and pistacios. There are many others that I've packed, but a lot of times, this is my old stand-by that I can pack up in just a few minutes.

And my lunch:

Here we have Curried veggie-bean fritters, roasted vegetables, and salad with cucumbers, tiny little tomatoes, cheese, and Parmesan ranch dressing. Yumyum.

Those Curried veggie-bean fritters were something I successfully concocted last night. I've long been on the look-out for good veggie burger recipes and I really haven't found many that make me exceedingly happy. So last night, while I was barely paying attention to what I was doing, I made one up. It took some thought to remember the ingredients, but I think I got it. Try it out. They are yummy!

Curried Veggie-Bean Fritters (or Burgers)

1/2 sweet potato, grated
1 medium onion, grated
10-12 green beans, grated
1 carrot, grated
1 can chick peas, drained
1 clove garlic,
1-2 tsp salt (depending on taste and the salt content of the beans)
2 tsp curry powder
dash of pepper
1 egg (or 2 TBSP soy flour for vegans)
@1/2 cup of flour
olive oil for frying

Mix vegetables in a bowl. In a food processor, mash together chick peas, garlic, salt, curry powder, pepper, and egg. Mix this with the vegetable and then add enough flour to make it easy to handle and form into patties. Form patties or small fritter balls and fry at medium heat (no smoking oil....too hot!) about 4-5 minute on each side. Try not to touch them for several minutes so that they form that nice crunchy crust on the outside.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

And the winner is.....

I meant to be all cutesy-posting this morning and have pictures of Little A drawing the winning name, but we crashed after trick or treating. And so now, the deluxe name draw looks like this:

Yup, water cooler cup on dirty work desk instead of knitted hat and this cute kitty drawing the name:

By the way, that's Chaos, ready for ballet on Monday night. By Tuesday night, however, the following conversation had ensued:

Little A: Chaos is a girl kitty right?
Mom: Nope. Chaos is a boy, but May, the little kitten, is a girl.
Little A: Then I'm going to be May!

Notice the subtle difference in costuming:

See the bit of white?

Ok, where was I? Right, drawing the name of the big winner! Drawing...did I mention that we always draw our pumpkins before we carve them?

But NEVER paint them?

I consider painting a pumpkin to be sacrilegious.

Ok, I'm done with distraction. I think.

And so now, I can tell you, the winner is:

Lisa!! If you can't read the blur, it's Lisa! Congratulations Lisa! I'll be emailing your gift certificate this morning. And thank you again to everyone who played along and helped me out!