Finished Object Friday: Not exactly what I intended...
But its something!
I should really have more for this finished object Friday, being that I've only got two left before Christmas. But I had a couple of migraines and a wicked emotional week. These two things made me a lame knitter for a day or two. Additionally, I got a little distracted at my lovely LYS, The Island Yarn Co, by some sale Artful Yarns, Cartoon. I had been thinking of trying some thrummed mittens and when I saw this, I finally got the thrumming urge. If you live in the area, you should check out the sale...50% off! And if you are making thrummed mittens, she'll give you the pencil roving for free, so that means you can make a pair of thrummed mittens for $10. Yup, TEN freaking dollars. Pretty good deal when you see that the kits are usually between $30-$40! So here's what I was obsessing about yesterday instead of finishing other projects:

In the interest of not totally screwing myself, these are going to be for my mom. She walks sometimes in the winter in upstate NY, so I imagine they will be well received.
I also had a little knitting gig, also from Island Yarn, to make some fingerless gloves. So although they are not gifts, here is a shitty picture of some nice woolen fingerless gloves:

I also finished off a scarf for my upstairs neighbor/friend/N's cousin:

It's not really something I NEEDED to do, but I like her and I don't think anyone really does anything fantastic for her for Christmas even though she's always helping everyone else, so that's how it came to be. I bought some Cascade 220 at a yard sale for 25 CENTS over the summer and finally got around to dyeing it. I was pretty pleased with how it came out. The stitch pattern is a mock cable pattern that I picked up over at the LYS (yes, today's blog should be entitled All Island Yarn All the you think maybe I've been spending too much time there?) Here's an attempt at a close up, but I'm not sure how well you can really see the stitch.
And at last, the obligatory decorating the tree picture:

She's so darn sweet! And she's got back to back parties this weekend so she is a happy happy girl.
I should really have more for this finished object Friday, being that I've only got two left before Christmas. But I had a couple of migraines and a wicked emotional week. These two things made me a lame knitter for a day or two. Additionally, I got a little distracted at my lovely LYS, The Island Yarn Co, by some sale Artful Yarns, Cartoon. I had been thinking of trying some thrummed mittens and when I saw this, I finally got the thrumming urge. If you live in the area, you should check out the sale...50% off! And if you are making thrummed mittens, she'll give you the pencil roving for free, so that means you can make a pair of thrummed mittens for $10. Yup, TEN freaking dollars. Pretty good deal when you see that the kits are usually between $30-$40! So here's what I was obsessing about yesterday instead of finishing other projects:

In the interest of not totally screwing myself, these are going to be for my mom. She walks sometimes in the winter in upstate NY, so I imagine they will be well received.
I also had a little knitting gig, also from Island Yarn, to make some fingerless gloves. So although they are not gifts, here is a shitty picture of some nice woolen fingerless gloves:

I also finished off a scarf for my upstairs neighbor/friend/N's cousin:

It's not really something I NEEDED to do, but I like her and I don't think anyone really does anything fantastic for her for Christmas even though she's always helping everyone else, so that's how it came to be. I bought some Cascade 220 at a yard sale for 25 CENTS over the summer and finally got around to dyeing it. I was pretty pleased with how it came out. The stitch pattern is a mock cable pattern that I picked up over at the LYS (yes, today's blog should be entitled All Island Yarn All the you think maybe I've been spending too much time there?) Here's an attempt at a close up, but I'm not sure how well you can really see the stitch.

She's so darn sweet! And she's got back to back parties this weekend so she is a happy happy girl.
Good morning! Today I'm enjoyind some wonderful Breakfast Blend, thank you very much. I love your knitting and I'm sure that the upstairs neighbor will be very touched by such a wonderful gift. Your tree looks amazing. How do you keep the decorating elf so motivated? Mine lost interest quickly. Yard sales rock! 90% of my my wardrobe, home decor, etc. is courtesy of yard/garage sales. All I ever find is ugly acrylic yarn, but maybe I'll hit the mother lode. I've not tried thrumming, but I have all of the pencil roving, directions, etc to do so. It's on that mile long "to do" list. Those colors are very bright and pretty. My eldest has requested some fingerless mittens for Christmas this year. Where did you get the pattern for those? They look perfect. Back to my caffeine. Have a great weekend.
Great. Between the Weffriddles and you tempting me to get to Island Yarn for a sale, how am I supposed to concentrate on my knitting this weekend?
Love the colorful mitten.
I'd say that's a LOT of FO's for this Friday! Your upstairs neighbor is very lucky to have you as downstairs neighbor :)
Love your tree.
Wow, you got a lot done! The thrummed mitten is lovely. And both yarn and scarf turned out great!
Aw, she's so cute.
OMG V! little A is getting so grown up..and she looks so much like you! :) what a sweetie! :)
Those are some nice looking thrummed mittens...did you knit along the pencil roving or did you put in fluffs of roving? (I've tried them both on, the former are "ooooh" and the latter can feel a bit creepy). Looks like you knit it along. Look at you w/ all the FOs and the holiday thing going on!
She is a cutie patootie all right.
Those mittens are sweet. You sound as project obsessive as I've become!!
Hooray for Glittens! And I love the bright colors on the scarf and the other mittens. I think if one must be cold and wear outerwear, it should be colorful and festive.
Cute picture of little A!
Wow! Little A is SO grown up looking! It's been a long time since I've seen her I guess!!! So cute!!
i love the blue/green/aqua scarf. very pretty!
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