Friday, May 18, 2007

Allllllmost Donnnnnne.

*Gasp for air*

This post was supposed to be my official "DONE!" post, but alas my advisor seems to see fit to torture me with one more revision. So even though I thought that at 6:30 last night when I finished my Microbiology final, I would feel this insane sense of freedom that I have not felt for years, nope. Not yet. It's a little anti-climatic. Don't' get me wrong, I am insanely happy to be done with that hellish class, but with that stupid paper still hanging. Ugh.

I had fully planned on being absolutely stupid this weekend. S-T-U-P-I-D. With nothing in my head. I still plan on being pretty stupid, but I may have to drink a little more to forget about that nagging paper. Ah well. Yuh gotta do what yuh gotta do.

I've been pretty pissed with work lately. And by pretty pissed, I mean that as soon as my boss leaves the office, I need to scream obscenities at the top of my lungs for a good five minutes before I can calm down. Have I mentioned that I REALLY hate my work. No, that's not true. I don't hate my work. I hate my mother-fucking ass hole of a boss. And if we had neighbors close by, all of them would know it.

Everything is lovely with Mr. Eyes. Except that he's away this weekend. I'm not really used to not seeing him on a daily basis, so its making me a little blue. But we won't get too dramatic about that one, ok?

How are all of you?


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Coffee Swap!

I still suck at blogging. Only a few more weeks, I swear!
But I thought I'd better get my questionnaire up for the Knitter's Coffee Swap before my partner wants to throttle me. Or send me Folger's Crystals and Red Heart from a yard sale. I'd probably prefer the throttling.

So, here is my questionnaire:
1. Whole bean or ground?
Ground. I have a grinder in a pinch, but I typically use it for spices, not beans. Just no weird powder or freeze dried substances.
2. Fully-loaded or decaf?
As loaded as possible, please. I'm a single mother afterall.
3. Regular or flavored?
4. How do you drink your coffee?
First I snort it up my nose, blow it back out, gargle it and swallow. Maybe I don't get this question? Oh, maybe we are talking cream or sugar here? Ok, well in regular coffee I like a little sugar and cream, not milk, cream. Espresso stays espresso in my house, which I love to have after (early enough) dinners.
5. Favorite coffee ever?
This is hard. I confess to being a lover of Starbucks. And when I really need a pick me up, I head for a Triple Grande Vanilla Latte. It makes me happy. Though I don't know if its my favorite, but its damn good.
6. Are you fussy about your coffee or will any old bean do?
Not any old, but it seems, after reading other questionnaires, that I'm less picky than a lot of the swappers. I like most of the top shelf grocery coffees, but can't really look down from there. Coffee from Italian grocers/shops are always welcome.
7. Favorite treats to have with your coffee?
Mmmm...biscotti! Which I also like to make when I have time...any good recipes? I often have dark dark chocolate with the aforementioned after dinner espresso. Morning coffee is just guzzled down with no accompaniments.
8. Anything else about your coffee preferences?
Nope, I like to try new coffees whenever I get a chance. I also like most other hot drinks.
9. Yarn/fiber you love?
Good sock yarn...Lorna's Laces, Socks that rock, Trekking, Noro, Anything that is soft and has subtle color graduations is likely to be completely loved by me.
10. Yarn/fiber you hate?
I'm not so hip on novelty yarns, though I suppose there are exceptions.
11. What's on your needles?
This is always a tricky one for me. I think 3 shawls, at least 2 pairs of socks, my mitered square blanket, a sweater, ummmm...good lord. I can even keep thinking about this!
12. Favorite colors?
Deep...I guess they call them jewel colors on the hip blogs. Purples, Reds, Greens, Blues.
13. Allergies?
No food allergies. Though I'm a vegetarian. No mystery meat in a tube Slim-Jims! Ick.
14. Anything you really love, really don't like, or just need to get off your chest?Um, I really like to knit. And I really like coffee. Heehee!
